New show: Six Shooter!

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “follow the fun” before. It comes up in improv a lot. Find the most fun part of a scene, attack that and don’t worry about the other stuff.
Right now, some of the most fun I’m having on stage is when Aaron Brooks and I play these characters – Knuck Deep, the freestyle country music legends. Starting next Wednesday, Barrel O’ Fun, the brand new bar at the brand new Alamo Drafthouse Mueller is letting Knuck Deep host a brand new monthly stand-up showcase: Six Shooter! Every show, we’re putting up six of our favorite comedians in town. These line-ups will be all killer – we’d never book a show we wouldn’t want to watch. Plus, we’ll be hosting it in-character as Knuck Deep. The show will be the 2nd Wednesday of every month (until the bar gets sick of us)/
So next Wednesday, come see Matt Bearden headline the very first Six Shooter. It’s worth it just to check out how awesome the Barrel O’Fun is.
Oh and it’s free. More money for beer or sodee pop.